Learning styles and strategies

February 17


These four learning styles are also known by the acronym VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinaesthetic). 

Check this video to know more about learning styles:

This test can help you to realize what your learning style is and it can provide you with some strategies to be applied in your learning experience.

Homework assignment:

2. Read the proposed strategies according to your learning style(s) and choose the best strategies for you to learn English.
3. Include those strategies in your first Personal Plan of Work
4. Answer in comments what  your learning strategy(ies) is/are. Do you agree with this theory?


In order to prepare your Personal Plan of Work,  take into account the following strategies:


Write the unknown word and its definition in English on individual cards or in your notebook. Include a sample sentence that illustrates how the word may be used in context.

* Use drawings to define unknown words so that you learn the concept not the translation

Compose sentences with the words you are studying. Try different contexts, and check with your teacher.

Use natural word associations, such as opposites. For instance cold and hot, brother and sister.

Be on the lookout for rules. Don't wait for someone to point out a rule. Look for it yourself.

Learn the rules. Make sure that you understand how a particular rule works.

Avoid repeated errors. Try to understand why you consistently make a certain kind of error. You are not clear about the rule? You have totally misunderstood the rule?

Be patient. It is impossible to learn, much less remember all the rules in a limited period of time. Work on your grammar diligently. One rule at a time and lots of practice and reviewing are good operating principles.


Set yourself a goal. It's best not to aim too high, unless you have lots of time free to dedicate to your listening. Think of one or two aspects of your listening that you'd like to improve. 

Choose a song that you like and try to transcribe it. Once you have done the transcription, compare your transcription with the lyrics of the song. How's it going?

Listen to the song with a friend. You can later discuss what the song is about and help each other if you have difficulties in understanding any of it. You can use websites such as: http://www.lyricstraining.com/

* Watch your favorite TV shows or programs and movies with closed captions. It's interesting to watch your favorite programs in the original language, don't you think so?


Read something short and easy to begin with, for example, news headlines, comics, or even signs you find in the streets and public places. 

Read something with lots of pictures. 

Read aloud some of the dialogues in your reading. Or ask someone to read aloud with you. You may find listening to the story more interesting. 

* Read and listen to one news daily. You can do it in: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/


Practice situations when you are alone, perhaps in front of a mirror. Imagine introducing yourself, disagreeing with someone's ideas, being interviewed or asking for information. If you can get someone to help, assign parts and do role - playing. 

Make friends from English speaking countries. In order to do this, Visit the following website: http://www.sharedtalk.com/index.aspx

Practise reading aloud - get someone to check your pronunciation and intonation, or record yourself on tape and analyse your own speech. 

Visit a former English teacher or your tutor. Teachers like to hear how their students are doing.
Adapted from: http://lc.ust.hk/~sac/advice/english/speaking/S2.htm 


In order to improve your writing, you should make writing and reading part of your life. Why don’t you:

Write a journal in English to record your daily life experiences.

Write book reports, film reviews etc.

Write whenever you want; bring a nice little notebook wherever you go 

Imitate native speakers’ writing. For instance, in writing a response to a personal note, look at the format, the way in which the writer of the note addressed you, how he started and ended the note, etc.         

15 comentarios:

  1. Franklin Stiven Morales Gomez

    Good afternoon

    my score in this activity was:
    -Visual 12
    -Aural 9
    -Read/Write 8
    -Kinesthetic 12

    according to the questionnaire, I have multimodal learning;
    and I agree with this theory because I want to learn a little of everything , be a whole person in every way .

  2. Luis sanchez
    Visual 9
    Aural 9
    Read/Write 12
    Kinesthetic 7
    The page said I am multimodal learning I think itis right

  3. Juan Jose Alvarez Villada

    Visual 5
    Aural 10
    Read/Write 3
    Kinesthetic 8

    I think it is consistent, because I prefer to learn by listenings, or paying attention to someone who is teaching to me

  4. Jorge Castillo Mera

    visual: 10
    aura: 6
    read/write: 4
    kinesthetic: 10

    i think that it is ok, the page was right because i prefer watch how can i do some thing and then practice and get better

  5. Jesus David Romero Benitez
    Visual 10
    Aural 9
    Read/Write 2
    Kinesthetic 9
    I think it is correct, because I prefer to learn through videos, examples, or talking with other people about specifics topics

  6. Jazmin Juliana Zuleta Ramirez

    My score was:

    Visual 12
    Aural 9
    Read/Write 7
    Kinesthetic 13

    I'm agree with my results because I feel comfortable learning with practical and visual strategies, like graphics and examples.

  7. Visual 11
    Aural 11
    Read/Write 7
    Kinesthetic 7

    I prefer to learn through videos, images, examples, or talking with other people and ask topics in general

  8. Jaime Andrés Úsuga Restrepo

    Visual 9
    Aural 8
    Read/Write 9
    Kinesthetic 10

    It says I am a multimodal learning, that may be true, It´s good to learn in any situation.

  9. Bryan Alejandro Zapata A.

    Visual 9
    Aural 8
    Read/Write 2
    Kinesthetic 12

    It says that I have a multimodal learning preference, and I'm agree with that, specially in the fact that I have a preference for Aural strategies.

  10. Su sana Cardona gallego
    Visual 8
    Aural 6
    Red and write 7
    Kinesthetic 10
    It said that i have a multimodal learning and im agree because i think that the method todo study dependa oficial different things:time, therms, or career.Also i like todo learn with diferents strategies

  11. Visual 6
    Aural 6
    Read and Write 3
    Kinesthetic 7

    I think that my learning styles are kinesthetic and visual becouse i learn very easy when i play or i walk and visual when i look videos and pictures that help me to learn.

    Daniel Cardona Giraldo

  12. Manuel David Marin

    Visual 11
    Aural 7
    Read/Write 4
    Kinesthetic 11

    It said that i have a multimodal learnig preference. I agree that, but I think that Im more Visual and Kinesthetic that Aural and Read/Write, As my scores proposed.

  13. Vanesa Bedoya
    My scores were:

    Visual 5
    Aural 10
    Read/Write 1
    Kinesthetic 13

    The questionnaire says I have multimodal learning preference, and I agree with that, I think I'm far better at Aural and Kinesthetic than Reading and visual.

  14. My scores were:
    Visual 2
    Aural 2
    Read/Write 10
    Kinesthetic 3
    according with the test my learning strategy is read/write i think that is correct because i feel that i learn easier when take notes and do a summary of topics to study

  15. Mariana
    My scores were
    Visual 7
    Aural 9
    Read/Write 2
    Kinesthetic 8

    The test says I have a multimodal learning preference. I am agree with that, because depending of situation I learn from differents ways
