Project introduction

March 16


Today we are going to speak about what a project could be and how it could look like. Take a look at the video and then answer some questions:

1.       What is the video about?
a.       It is about a research report           
b.      It is about a crazy story Google has invented                    
c.       It is about a good argumentation Google has to sell its idea
d. It is about a project proposal Google is carrying out 

2.        According to the video, we can say that the structure used to express the message is:
a.       Problem-solution                   
b. Cause-effect                               
c. Thesis-arguments

3.       Identify what are the constrains and solutions mentioned in the video

- Electric bills                                                       
-solar energy                                    
-solar panels
-To use Google maps to show how much sunlight falls on a roof                            
-It could show you how much solar power you can generate and how much you could save

-A lot of things to figure out: how many panels do you need? Who’s gonna install them? How much would you actually save? How do you tell if your house even gets enough sun?

Reading & Speaking Exercise

Read this text about the previous project and answer some questions. Then participate on a discusion.

March 9


Watch a video on an Entrepreneur's life then read the article about him and answer some questions


Reading retrieved from: (for educational purposes) and activity prepared by Alejandra Jiménez

February 24

What is the video about?
What is its moral?

My question for you this semester is:

How can we make the world better? with science? working with people?

What will you try?

Take a look at another example of making the world better:

This is a search tool to help you come up with a project that you'll love working on:

Write down in comments what kind of project you'd love work on

7 comentarios:

  1. I'd love to focus my project to some kind of artistic expression, specially paint or sculpture; and prototypes, something 'bout furniture's design, like chairs or something like that.

    Bryan Alejandro Zapata Areiza.

  2. Franklin Stiven Morales Gomez

    Good evening teacher and classmates

    I would like my project that was related to mining, looking for an alternative to replace the mercury in the different processes of extraction of gold ore . with this help the environment and promoting responsible mining in the country.

  3. Activity 09/03/2016 "Entrepreneurs"

    Comprehension Questions

    After watching the video and reading about Evans Wadongo answer these questions?
    1. What are Evans Wadongo main achievements?
    Some of the achievements of Evans Wadongoel were:

    *. Graduated with the best grades , and was listed among the top 100 students in Kenya in 2002 , and obtained degree of honor in his college career .

    *. co -founder of GreenWize Energy Ltd

    *. Executive Director and Founder of ATPS - Kenya , a non- profit organization in 2006 .

    *. one of the ten heroes of 2010 according to CNN.

    *. Evans designed a solar lamp he calls ' MwangaBora in 2004 and was president of this.

    2. What were Evans’ motivations to design the solar lamp?

    Wadongoel Evans designed the lamp as a way to counteract the bad education, climate change, health and poverty in rural Kenya.

    3. Why is this project important for his community?

    The project is important for the rural community because these families are very poor and do not have electricity, they use kerosene and wood for lighting, cooking.

    The project will allow the community to save money buying the kerosene to invest for example in food, also, they will decrease diseases caused by smoke.

    4. If you had the chance to talk to Evans, what questions would you like to ask him?

    • This type of initiative may help break with the wars that this country?

    • That would be needed to expand this project to the entire African continent?

    • Do you feel being named man of the year? is it a very big responsibility for you?

  4. Vanesa Bedoya
    I would like my project to be something creative that mix social work with science, especially chemistry. I love to work with people, I love people so I want them to be fine and happy, and I would like to use my knowledge and my career to help them.

  5. Susana Cardona Gallego
    Our Project could be a good idea to save our planet because is to créate a new material, is biodegradable and is composed of many subunits of glass and polymer.
    The Project could be a help to companies that produces glass and polymer beacuse is a new material that is more resistant and flexibility

  6. I will love to work in our project because i think that the world needs a change to have new and better materials, and not only materials that are producting or else be conscious with the care of the enviroment.

  7. Luis Sanchez
    I love to work on a project that helps the environment to care for it and protect it. With new ways of working in the industry or help nature.
